

900 bytes added, 08:04, 4 November 2011
See also : [[Peppermint]]
==Special Precautions of Mint==
Peppermint oil can cause heartburn and digestive upset, and should be used with caution by people with heartburn, hiatal hernia, severe liver damage, gallbladder inflammation, or bile duct obstruction.
Although rare, some people have experienced allergic reaction to topical application of peppermint.
People with gallstones should consult a physician before taking oral peppermint preparations.
The safety of peppermint oil in pregnant or nursing women isn't known.
Peppermint oil shouldn't be applied topically to broken skin. Large amounts shouldn't be applied to skin.
Peppermint tea can cause choking in children and infants due to the menthol.
Pure peppermint oil is toxic at small doses. The pure essential oil should not be taken orally.
Call your health practitioner if you experience headache, flushing, skin rash, muscle tremors, or other unusual symptoms.
==The benefits of Mint are==
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