
Cluster Headache

191 bytes added, 09:02, 31 October 2021
/* Natural Remedies */
* Use herbs such as chamomile, mint or rosemary to help you relax. While these herbs are not known to ease headaches, they will help you relax and recover from the pain of a tension headache.
* Try aromatherapy with herbs that smell strong and soothing. Use peppermint, eucalyptus, sandalwood and lavender. Burn candles that include these herbs and lay down with your eyes closed. Rub oils made from these herbs onto your temples and around your nostrils. You can also make a compress by combining lavender oil with water and soaking a washcloth in it. Press the washcloth to your head.
* [[Chromotherapy]] : Exposure to a narrow band of green light may reduce light sensitivity and headache severity.
* Eat cayenne pepper and other chilis. The capsaicin found in cayenne pepper has been found to interrupt the neurotransmitters that send painful sensations to the brain and cause cluster headaches.
* [[Oxygen Therapy]]
* [[Ge Gen Tang]] : A recent study published by Yale University found that it is effective for cluster headaches.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator