
Colon Spasm

69 bytes added, 07:01, 2 January 2022
/* Treatment */
**adopting a low FODMAP diet
**adopting a low fat diet
**Combination of Turmeric + [[Angelica archangelica]] + [[Rosemary]]
**However, if a person has IBS that does not respond to these changes, they may need medication.
*Managing stress : Because stress can cause colon spasms, using stress management techniques may be helpful. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America suggest that people with IBS may benefit from trying relaxation techniques or therapy to help cope with stress. In fact, many people with IBS have anxiety, depression, or both. People can work with a doctor to find the right treatment option for their symptoms. Relaxation techniques may include meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and listening to relaxing music. Getting regular exercise also helps reduce stress.
Bureaucrat, administrator