
Green Clay

2 bytes added, 10:08, 4 January 2022
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Green Clay */
*Beneficial effect of green clay on hair and scalp : Natural remedy for dandruff, dandruff and itchy scalp : Hair flakes are dead skin cells that peel off when new hair cells are formed. In people who suffer from dandruff, the scalp cells renew twice as fast as normal. As a result, there are twice as many old skin cells that shed. Why some people suffer from dandruff more than others is still unknown. It can be a hereditary factor and or a large presence of a certain type of yeast. Often people with oily scalp suffer from dandruff. This is due to the excessive sebum production by the sebaceous glands. Green clay regulates the sebum production of the scalp. It detoxifies the scalp from fungi and bacteria without harming the scalp.
*Treats oily hair : Green clay is an effective regulator of oil and sebum produced by the scalp. It absorbs the excess oil from the scalp, ensures that the sebaceous glands produce sebum in a balanced way. In addition, green clay relieves itching thanks to its neutralizing effect on harmful bacteria. Oily hair is the result of excess sebum and oil. The scalp produces excessive sebum, which creates a layer of fat on the scalp. This has consequences such as an itchy and irritated scalp. In addition, it makes the scalp sensitive to fungi and hair flakes.
* For stronger and more voluminous hair* : Rich in minerals, trace elements and enzymes such as calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon,.. Thanks to its rich composition, green clay nourishes the hair. Brittle and dull hair are often the result of exposure to harmful environmental influences. Shampoos and styling products that contain silicones and sulfates are very harmful to the hair and scalp. The silicone forms a layer around the hair, which prevents the hair from breathing. They suffocate the hair and this makes the hair heavy and lifeless. When green clay comes into contact with the hair and scalp, it absorbs those silicones and free radicals from the hair and scalp. This ensures that the hair looks healthy again and becomes more voluminous.
* Brushing teeth with green clay? Natural repair of caries. Caries or tooth decay occurs as a result of de-mineralization of the tooth tissue. This is done by the bacteria in the plaque that convert sugars into acid. It attacks the teeth and causes them to break down. Green clay contains a high content of minerals. When brushing the teeth with green clay, the teeth come into contact with valuable minerals. Thus, it ensures re-mineralization of the teeth. This contributes to a natural recovery of the teeth. Argital toothpastes are organic toothpastes based on green clay. No abrasives are used with these toothpastes because green clay has a very cleaning effect without damaging the teeth. In addition, green clay has important properties as written above.
* Reduces bad breath : Suffering from bad breath can be experienced as very annoying. Conventional toothpastes and mouthwashes with synthetic ingredients only mask the problem and have a long-term negative impact on oral hygiene. In this case, the cause of bad breath must be addressed. Bad smelling breath is caused by residual bacteria on the back of the tongue, around the teeth or due to gum disease. Green clay addresses the cause of bad breath. The highly absorbent power of green clay cleanses the mouth of harmful bacteria and dirt. This not only helps to prevent bad breath but also gum disease.
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