
Lithothamnium calcareum

42 bytes added, 13:25, 4 January 2022
Lithothamnium is an alga that occurs in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It can become a bed for miles, covered by a pink layer of live algae. In Ireland and England, this alga has been harvested for centuries to enrich agricultural land. It particularly improves acidic soils. Nowadays pure lithothamnime is added to milk, which does not necessarily mean that it makes the milk healthier. Every year, 500,000 tons of lithothamnium are mechanically pumped up, dried and ground for consumer use or to enrich land for agricultural purposes.
 Only the pink foliage is used from this plant. This pink algae mainly contains many minerals. The plant contains the most calcium. It See also has magnesium , iron , sulfur, copper, manganese , zinc and iodine. : *[[Red Algae]]*[[Seaweed]]
==Special Precautions of Lithothamnium calcareum==
*Some seaweeds, such as Lithothamnium, may contain amounts of iodine, so people with thyroid problems should be careful.
*The disadvantage of using algae is that they can be loaded with heavy metals; after all, the seas and oceans are heavily polluted by capitalist exploitation of our planet. That is why only pure algae is used for phytotherapeutic application.
Only the pink foliage is used from this plant. This pink algae mainly contains many minerals. Lithothamnium contains on average 32% easily absorbable calcium. It is a collaboration of no fewer than 74 sea minerals and all of this in a bioactive or highly absorbable form. The main component consists of an easily absorbable form of calcium carbonate: its structure is very open, porous and moisturizing very well. Due to this composition, the calcium is well absorbed into the body. The plant contains the most calcium. It also has magnesium , iron , sulfur, copper, manganese , zinc and iodine.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Lithothamnium calcareum==
Lithothamnium contains on average 32% easily absorbable calcium. It is a collaboration of no fewer than 74 sea minerals and all of this in a bioactive or highly absorbable form. *The main component consists of an easily absorbable form of calcium carbonate: its structure is very open, porous and moisturizing very well. Due to this composition, the calcium is well absorbed into the body.This unique vegetable mineral source, which is also particularly well absorbed into the body, is rich in calcium and therefore good for calcium metabolism and the maintenance of strong bones. Lithothamnium is an excellent vegetarian product for people with an increased calcium requirement (growth, transition and seniors).*This special calcareous algae is a vegetarian source of bioavailable calcium and magnesium. It contains over 70 additional important trace minerals. Red algae provides calcium and magnesium and is therefore good for bones, teeth and muscles.* an excellent vegetarian product for people with an increased calcium requirement (growth, transition and seniors).Due to its vegetable origin, the red algae supplement is suitable for vegans.
*Cosmetic Use : Lithothamnium can be an ingredient in masks, creams, lotions, soaps, gels and shampoos for the purpose of improving skin circulation. The general skin vitality is increased and it promotes the elasticity of the skin. It is used against wrinkles. Nutrient deficient skin can be enriched by this magenta-pink algae. It can balance both dry and oily skin and is also a remedy for brittle and dull hair.
*Against stomach acid : Heartburn should not be taken lightly. They can lead to inflammation of the esophagus and these can lead to the deadly disease of esophageal cancer. Calcium carbonate in Lithothamnium prevents excessive stomach acid formation. The acid secretion is buffered so that it has no nasty consequences. This makes this pink mineral-rich algae an excellent phytotherapeutic agent for the following indications that are related to stomach acid:
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