

1 byte added, 14:53, 13 November 2011
/* Blood Thinners and Nutritional Supplement */
Some natural substances have blood-thinning properties. A possible risk exists when taking such a product while also taking Coumarins (coumadin-like substances), salicylates (aspirin-like substances) and anti-platelets (substances that prevent blood cells from clumping together) as these are all considered blood thinners. Too much blood thinning can lead to excessive bleeding.
*Herbs containing coumadin: angelica root, arnica flower,anise, asafoetida,celery,chamomile,fenugreek,horse chestnut,licorice root,lovage root,parsley,passionflower herb,quassia. red clover, rue,sweet clover
*Herbs thought to contain salicylates: Meadowsweet,poplar,willow bark
*Herbs with Anti-platelet properties: bromelain,clove,onion, and turmeric