
Acid/alkaline balance

62 bytes added, 12:27, 13 January 2012
/* The benefits of Acid/alkaline are */
*Most grains are acid-forming, except millet and buckwheat, which are considered to be alkaline. Sprouted seeds and grains become more alkaline in the process of sprouting.
*All vegetable and fruit juices are highly alkaline. The most alkali-forming juices are: fig juice, green juices of all green vegetables and tops, carrots, beet, celery, pineapple and citrus juices. Vegetable broth is an extremely alkalizing drink.*Nat. Phos. (tissue salt no. 10) is an acid neutralizer and acid/alkaline balancer. It reduces acid in the whole body and keeps the digestive system healthy.*Sour reflux, heartburn attacks, stomach ulcers and digestive problems indicate that Nat. Phos is badly deficient. For frequent cases of indigestion, keep a bottle of this tissue salt on hand. Take 2 tablets prior to eating and dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue after a meal in order to help the body clean itself of acid build up. Nat. Phos fights excess acidity, which aggravates or causes eczema, hives, eczema, rashes and dry scalp, and it can safely be taken for these types of skin conditions. <br>Herbs that contain Nat. Phos : Coriander, cumin, anise and ginger are herbs that aid digestion. Fennel, mint, basil, nettles and lemon balm detoxify the system and contribute to making the body more alkaline. Fresh parsley should be eaten daily by those whose diet is acidic and who are trying to restore their health. Foods rich in Nat. Phos : Eat plenty of organically grown apples, peaches, apricots, papaya, raisins, asparagus and watermelons which are high in Nat. Phos and are excellent in flushing the body of acidity. *Maintain an alkaline diet : Remain in good health by consuming a diet that is 70-80% alkaline and 20-30% acid. Avoid digestive upsets and acidity by regularly consuming alkaline foods. Foods that are alkaline are as follows: *Nuts: The least acidic nuts are almonds. Nuts high in acid are peanuts and walnuts. *Oils: Olive oil is alkaline; corn oil is highly acidic. *Sweeteners: Stevia is alkaline, while processed honey and refined sugar are very high acid foods. The worst sweeteners to ingest because of their extremely high acidity are the artificial sweeteners commonly used as sugar substitutes. *Fruits: Lemons, watermelons, papaya, mangoes and grapefruits are alkaline in the body and help counter excess acidity. Blueberries, cranberries and prunes, although healthy, are highly acidic fruits. *Dairy: Dairy produce, including raw milk and cheeses are acidic. The more alkaline milk and cheese comes from goats. *Meat, chicken and fish are acidic foods. *Soft drinks, tea and coffee are acidic - lemon water and herbal teas are alkaline.* Beets help stabilize the blood’s acid-alkaline balance.
== References ==