

3 bytes removed, 05:23, 17 February 2012
== Symptoms ==
== Home remedies ==
Itch can be the symptom or a result of more serious conditions which gives a person a strong urge to scratch. It can either be limited to a certain area of the skin or it may occur in several areas at a time or all over the body. Skin itchiness, or pruritus, can be caused by different conditions. Dry skin is the most common cause of itchiness which is normally due to prolonged exposure to the sun or a decrease in the skin's innate inability to self-moisturize. People with severely dry skin are often stricken with itchiness especially during extremely cold or hot weather. The other causes of itchiness are anxiety, stress, polycythemia vera and other diseases of the blood, cholestasis or the interruption in the proper flow of bile, certain drugs, skin cancer, allergies, and disorders of the endocrine system like hyperthyroidism, and kidney disease.
Infestations and infections in the skin can also result to persistent itchiness. The most common types of skin infections are caused by fungi like tinea cruris and yeasts. The affected parts are usually around the crotch area and the genitalia and can be transmitted either sexually or by physical contact with infected objects like towels and clothing. Itch mites and lice can also cause itchiness especially in the pubic area. Although itchiness can be a symptom of more serious illnesses, most people who suffer from persistent itching do not have any serious underlying health conditions.
Seeking the advice of a medical expert is always recommended. This is in order to better understand the cause of the problem and be prescribed with the best cure possible. There are also proven ways to relieve skin itchiness without using drugs or topical treatments.
== Symptoms ==
== Home remedies ==
The following are do-it-yourself itch remedies that you can apply in the comforts of your own home:
*Take a Warm Bath : A warm bath will help soothe itchiness especially when it is experienced all over the body. The warm water will help wash off the materials that may be causing the itch. It is also a good way of dealing with the urge to scratch. Soaking in a bath tub filled with warm water and a cup or so of vinegar is another way of doing it. Or you can also use baking soda or colloidal oatmeal as a replacement for vinegar for a more soothing bath. If colloidal oatmeal is not available, you can fill a few cups of oatmeal in a nylon stocking and let it soak in your bath water. And try not to spend too much time in warm water since this will make your skin dry. Using an all-natural lotion to moisturize your skin after each bath will help prevent drying and make you feel more relaxed and itch-free.
*Apply Aloe Vera : Aloe Vera has been traditionally used to treat and cure a variety of skin diseases and itchiness, and promote faster skin healing. The plant contains compounds that helps soothe the skin and eliminates the itchiness caused by dry skin or skin infection. You can apply the gelatinous portion of the Aloe Vera directly on the affected area for a few minutes or until the itchiness starts to subside. In the absence of an actual Aloe Vera plant, you can use Aloe gel instead.