
Back Pain

633 bytes added, 17:05, 17 February 2012
/* Home remedies */
*Lavender Oil : This oil promotes relaxation, prevents inflammation and stops muscle spasm. It is also used for stress-relief. Stress can cause unnecessary tensions inside the body which can actually contribute to the worsening of the pain. Lavender essential is beneficial for people who are suffering from post-surgical pain, stress, anxiety, hair loss (alopecia) and insomnia.
* fish oil can give improvement in back pain. Fish oil supplements contain Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA – all natural products that are free of dioxins, mercury and PCBs.
* Calcium and vitamin D helps promote strong bones thereby reducing one’s risk for osteoporosis. Research studies have shown that people who are complaining of back pains and other musculoskeletal aches are deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin is important because it helps maintain healthy levels of phosphorus and calcium inside the body – minerals that are essential for strong and healthy bones and teeth.
* Rest and Sleep : Sufficient rest and sleep allows your body to heal. Remember that majority of the healing process takes place when you are asleep because this is the time when your body is in its most relaxed state.
== Warnings ==