

4 bytes added, 16:30, 20 April 2011
* Almond consumption is associated with ameliorations in [[obesity]], hyperlipidemia, [[Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)]], and [[hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)]]. Incorporation of almonds into a healthy diet has beneficial effects on adiposity, glycemic control, and the lipid profile, thereby potentially decreasing the risk for cardiovascular disease [[Cardiovascular Disease]] in patients with type 2 [[diabetes]] mellitus.
* 3 almonds a day keep cancer away : Two [[flavonoids]] in almonds ( quercetin and kaempferol ) were found to be strong suppressors of lung and prostate tumor growth and these plant chemicals inhibited the tumor cell growth in culture in the studies at Pennsylvania State University. [[Flavonoids]] found in almonds also suppressed breast cancer cell growth when these cells have been exposed to cancer-causing agents as evident from other research findings.
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