

264 bytes added, 16:19, 20 September 2012
/* The benefits of Oregano are */
*[[Ear Infections]] : Rub a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and organic olive oil on the outside of the ear. For children, a 25% oregano oil and 75% olive oil mix should be used. Never put oregano oil directly in the ear canal!
*Insect Bites and Stings : Preparing for a hike? Take along a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and olive oil. It can help neutralize and extract the venom from any insect bite or sting, and may even assist with allergic reactions from wasp or bee stings. Simply apply to the swollen area.
*[[Migraine ]] and Sinus Headaches : The next time you get a headache, try rubbing a 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and olive oil between your eyebrows and on your forehead and temples (do NOT get any in your eyes!) You can also sniff the fumes of the oil to provide further assistance to your sinuses.
*Minor Burns : Oregano oil can provide pain relief instantly and may prevent blisters. Combine 1 drop of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and apply to the affected area.
*Mouth Sores, Abscesses, and Toothaches : Mix a drop of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and then swish it around in your mouth around your infected tooth or around diseased gums. You can also use it as a kind of medicated mouthwash. Take a sip of water, swish it around your mouth for 1 to 2 minutes, and spit it out. Repeat as needed daily.
* [[Colitis]] : A combination of thyme and oregano oils shows promise in the treatment of colitis (a type of inflammatory bowel disease).
* [[Candidiasis]] : In laboratory research, scientists have shown that oregano oil may help fight the growth of candida.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Essential oil]]