

148 bytes added, 07:16, 12 October 2012
/* Special Precautions of Xanthium */
Xanthium is another name for the cocklebur, a common bush native to Europe, North America and western Asia. The name xanthium comes from the Greek "xanthos," meaning yellow, and referring to the bush's seed pods, which turn from green to yellow as they ripen. The pods, or fruit, are used in Chinese medicine, and are referred to as cang er zi based on their color and appearance.
==Special Precautions of Xanthium==
* Reliable human trials demonstrating safety or efficacy for Siberian cocklebur are currently lacking. Toxicity has been reportedcontains toxic chemical compounds, which may cause severe hepatitis with fatal liver failure or interactions with the liver's detoxification systems. Use Overdosing of Siberian cocklebur should be under may cause severe side effects including coma and death. High-quality human research on the supervision safety or effectiveness of a healthcare providerSiberian cocklebur is currently lacking.
*Siberian cocklebur may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised in patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia, and in those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood sugar. Blood glucose levels may need to be monitored by a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist, and medication adjustments may be necessary.
*Use cautiously in patients with "qi" and blood disorders, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory.
*Avoid with known allergy or hypersensitivity to Siberian cocklebur, its components, or members of the Asteraceae family.
*Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to a lack of sufficient scientific evidence.
==The benefits of Xanthium are==
In traditional Chinese medicine, xanthium is associated with the Lung meridian, and is considered to have sweet, bitter and warm properties. It is used to dispel wind and damp, and is one of the most important herbs used for sinus congestion, chronic nasal obstructions and discharges, and respiratory allergies. In the West, xanthium is employed as an analgesic to relieve aches and pains, and headaches associated with nasal congestion and sinusitis. It is often used with other herbs, such as angelica and magnolia.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]