

35 bytes added, 06:07, 30 November 2012
/* Special Precautions of Copaiba */
* Copaiba balsam is safe for most people in normal food amounts. However, it seems UNSAFE for use as a medicine. Copaiba balsam can cause side effects such as stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, tremor, groin pain, and sleeplessness (insomnia). When used on the skin, it can cause redness, itching, and a rash that might leave brown spots after healing.
*Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Copaiba balsam is safe when eaten as food, but it seems UNSAFE in medicinal amounts, which are typically higher. Stick with normal food amounts if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
* Lithium interacts with Copaiba.
==Benefits and uses of Copaiba are==
Chemicals in copaiba balsam and copaiba oil might help kill germs. Other chemicals in copaiba balsam might decrease swelling (inflammation), increase the production of urine (act as a diuretic), and help loosen chest congestion (act as an expectorant).