
Chuan Lian Zi

302 bytes added, 15:37, 2 March 2013
Other Names :Sichuan Pagoda Tree Fruit, Fructus Toosendan, Toosendan Fruit, Sichuan ChinaberrySichuan Pagoda Tree, Melia, Sichuan Beadtree Berry, 川楝子
==Special Precautions of Chuan Lian Zi==
*Contraindicated for those with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Cold.
*Avoid using large doses.
==Benefits and uses of Chuan Lian Zi are==
* Promotes the movement of Liver Qi and stops Stagnation with pain - flankin the chest and ribs, rib, abdominal distention and pain due to liver qi stagnation or liver-stomach from Liver/Stomach disharmony; hernial and bulging disorders, good w/heat signs.*Clears heatIt is most useful for problems involving Heat, dries dampnessbut because it is very effective, regulates qi, alleviates pain due to damp-heat stagnant qi - same symptoms as aboveit can also be used for Cold conditions with the appropriate herbs.*Kills parasites and stops pain - roundworms : Roundworms and tape worms (primarily tapeworms, Primarily used for abdominal pain).associated with parasitic infestation, Topically as a powder for dermatosis of the scalp*Compare with Xia Ku CaoKills fungus : Topically, Long Dan Cao, Zhi Zi as a paste for clearing liver heat function.fungal infections of the scalp
[[Category:Chinese medicine]]