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Other Names: Acétate de Zinc, Acexamate de Zinc, Aspartate de Zinc, Atomic Number 30, Chlorure de Zinc, Citrate de Zinc, Gluconate de Zinc, Méthionine de Zinc, Monométhionine de Zinc, Numéro Atomique 30, Orotate de Zinc, Oxyde de Zinc, Picolinate de Zinc, Pyrithione de Zinc, Sulfate de Zinc, Zinc Acetate, Zinc Acexamate, Zinc Aspartate, Zinc Chloride, Zinc Citrate, Zinc Difumarate Hydrate, Zinc Gluconate, Zinc Methionine, Zinc Monomethionine, Zinc Murakab, Zinc Orotate, Zinc Oxide, Zinc Picolinate, Zinc Pyrithione, Zinc Sulfate, Zinc Sulphate, Zincum Aceticum, Zincum Gluconicum, Zincum Metallicum, Zincum Valerianicum, Zn.<br>Zinc is a metal. It is called an “essential trace element” because very small amounts of zinc are necessary for human health.
Zinc is found in pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, seafood, whole grains, soybeans, and onions. Zinc is very much associated with protein foods. Thus, you may assume that most foods high in zinc <p>Here are protein-rich as well. The best sources of zinc include beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, lobster, clams and salmon. If you are a vegetarian, you will most probably intake less zinc that those who have meat-based diets. Good zinc food sources aside from meats are dairy products such as milk and cheese, yeast, peanuts, beans, and wholegrain cereals, brown ricesome healthy, whole wheat bread, potato and yogurt. Of all these vegetarian zinc foods, pumpkin seeds offer one of the most concentrated non-meat food sources of zinc.:<br/p>*Oysters: Depending on type and variety oysters provide 16-182mg of zinc per 100g serving. This accounts for 110<table border="1" width="75%-1200" cellpadding="4"><tr><td width="43% of the RDA for zinc. The food highest in zinc is The Steamed Wild Eastern Oyster which provides 182 mg of zinc per 100g serving, or 76mg (509" align="left"><strong>Whole Food Sources</strong></td><td width="28% RDA) in 6 oysters, and 154mg (1029" align="center"><strong>Serving</strong></td><td width="29% RDA" align="right"><strong>Zinc (mg) in a </strong></td></tr><tr><td width="43%" align=left>Organic Beef</td><td width="28%" align=center>3 ounce serving.ounces</td>* Toasted Wheat Germ : Packed in jars and sold toasted, wheat germ is great to sprinkle on top of any food<td width="29%" align="right">5. Try it on salads, rice, or steamed vegetables. Toasted wheat germ provides 17mg (11280</td></tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) of zinc per 100g serving" align=left>Beef Liver, which is 19mg (126cooked</td><td width="28% RDA) per cup, and 1.2mg (8" align=center>100 grams</td><td width="29% RDA) in a single tablespoon" align="right">5. Crude (untoasted) wheat germ provides 12mg (8224</td></tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) of zinc per 100g serving, 14mg (94" align=left>Lima Beans</td><td width="28% RDA) per " align=center>1 cup, and 1mg (6% RDA) per tablespoon. Click to see complete nutrition facts. </td>* Veal Liver : The liver of any animal is packed with vitamins and minerals and most commonly served as pâté or liverwurst. Veal liver has the most zinc with 12mg per 100g serving accounting for 81<td width="29% of the RDA, that is 8" align="right">3.98mg of zinc (60</td></tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) in a " align=left>Organic / Wild Turkey, cooked slice of liver (80g). Liver is best prepared steamed or fried with onions and herbs. </td>* Sesame Seeds and Tahini (Sesame Butter): Sesame products contain about 10mg of Zinc per 100g serving (70<td width="28% RDA). Sesame flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in cakes and breads. Tahini is commonly found in hummus (a ground chickpea spread and dip of the Middle East) it will provide 4.6mg (31" align=center>3 ounces</td><td width="29% RDA) of zinc per 100g serving, 0" align="right">3.7mg (550</td></tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) per tablespoon. Whole sesame seeds provide 7.8mg" align=left>Chickpeas</100g (52% RDA), 11mg (74td><td width="28% RDA) per " align=center>1 cup, and 0.7mg (5</td><td width="29% RDA) per tablespoon" align="right">2.60</td>* Low Fat Roast Beef : Low fat beef shoulder, shank, and chuck all contain about 10mg (70</tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) of zinc per 100g serving" align=left>Split Peas, 18mg (119cooked</td><td width="28% RDA) per pound, and 9mg (59" align=center>1 cup</td><td width="29% RDA) in a 3 oz serving. If you buy pre-processed roast beef be sure to consult the nutrition facts about the cut and nutrients. Not all nutrition labels report zinc, so don't worry if you don't see it" align="right">1. 96</td>* Roasted Pumpkin and Squash Seeds : A popular food in the Middle East and East Asia pumpkin and squash seeds contain about 10mg (70</tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) of zinc per 100g serving" align=left>Cashews, 6.6mg (59raw</td><td width="28% RDA) per cup, and 3mg (19% RDA) per " align=center>1 ounce (~85 seeds). If you can't find these in your local supermarket you will surely find them in Middle Eastern or East Asian specialty stores. Alternatively, you can also save any pumpkin and squash seeds you have and roast them in your oven. The seeds are typically eaten by cracking the outer shell and eating the seed inside</td><td width="29%" align="right">1. 60</td>* Dried Watermelon Seeds : Much like the pumpkin and squash</tr><tr><td width="43%" align=left>Pecans, watermelon seeds are popular in the Middle East and East Asia and they should be in specialty stores catering to those cultures. It is also possible to just eat the seeds raw with the watermelon. You can shell them, or just chew them up whole. Dried watermelon seeds provide 10mg (70</td><td width="28% RDA) of zinc per 100g serving, 11mg (74 %RDA) per cup, and 3mg (19% RDA) per " align=center>1 ounce. </td>* Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Powder : Chocolate is showing more and more health benefits and dark chocolate is coming into vogue. Unsweetened baking chocolate provides 9.6mg (64<td width="29% RDA) of zinc per 100g serving (most bars are 50-100 grams)" align="right">1. Cocoa powder will provide 6.8mg (4528</td></tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) per 100g" align=left>Green peas, or 5.4mg (39cooked</td><td width="28% RDA) per " align=center>1 cup, 0.3mg (2</td><td width="29% RDA) per tablespoon. Most milk chocolates provide around 2.3mg (15% RDA) per 100g serving or 1mg (7% RDA) per bar. Click to see complete nutrition facts" align="right">1. 08</td>* Lamb (Mutton) : Lamb is a common meat in the Middle East</tr><tr><td width="43%" align=left>Almonds, Mediterranean, and most of Europe, but is increasing in popularity in the Americas. Lamb provides between 4.2-8.7mg of zinc per 100g serving (raw</td><td width="28%-58" align=center>1 ounce</td><td width="29% RDA) depending on cut" align="right">1. That is up to 7.4mg (4900</td></tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) in " align=left><a 3 ounce serving (85 grams)href="articles-eggs.* Peanuts : Peanuts are a great source of zinchtml">Organic egg, 100 grams of oil roasted peanuts will provide 6.6mg (44poached</a></td><td width="28% RDA) of zinc, or 8.8mg (59% RDA) in 1 cup chopped, " align=center>1.9mg (12large</td><td width="29% RDA) per oz (~39 peanuts)" align="right">0. Dry roasted peanuts will provide half as much zinc at 3.3mg (2255</td></tr><tr><td width="43% RDA) per 100 gram serving" align=left>Ginger root, or 4.8mg (32raw</td><td width="28% RDA) per cup, and 1mg (6" align=center>1 teaspoon</td><td width="29% RDA) per oz" align="right">0.34</td></tr></table>
==Special Precautions of Zinc==
*Zinc is LIKELY SAFE for most adults when applied to the skin, or when taken by mouth in amounts not larger than 40 mg per day. Routine zinc supplementation is not recommended without the advice of a healthcare professional. In some people, zinc might cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste, kidney and stomach damage, and other side effects. Using zinc on broken skin may cause burning, stinging, itching, and tingling.