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(Special Precautions of Papaver Somniferum)
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Other Names : Opium, Op, Opium Poppy, Big Smoke, Op

Special Precautions of Papaver Somniferum

  • Only homeopathic use !
  • Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.

Benefits and uses of Papaver Somniferum are

  • Insomnia and Narcolepsy: Either of these extreme sleep conditions can pose a true disruption and even a danger to an individual’s life and mental state. Opium, as a homeopathic remedy, can be a very helpful solution for either insomnia or narcolepsy, and often offers the relief that other solutions fail to provide. Taking opium in this capacity allows sleep to be regulated so that it is neither interrupted nor unusual in its occurrence. In addition, for those who can’t seem to get to sleep or stay asleep, opium offers an answer for a peaceful slumber as well. Opium can benefit those sleep deprived individuals where the insomnia is caused by a major life disruption. All things considered, this is in fact a plant and homeopathic remedy that truly does work in extremes.
  • Constipation: Though constipation may not seem like a life altering or pressing health condition, it can be in its most extreme forms. Turning to opium as a homeopathic remedy may provide relief and therefore it is highly recommended as a homeopathic remedy for this condition. Constipation is usually associated with digestive disorders and opium can be of help with any related issues. It may also be of help to constipation experienced due to other issues such as shock. In some cases, homeopathic opium has been given to children to help with constipation issues.
  • Shock and Injury: Opium may be a very helpful homeopathic remedy to turn to in times of shock. In addition it also offers relief if a great injury is suffered within the body. Therefore, not only does it help with mental health issues, it also helps an individual cope with the emotions and reaction suffered from a state of shock. Opium is an effective homeopathic remedy that will treat the primary issue of the actual shock or injury and then help to heal the symptoms that come about as a result of either condition.
  • Post-Stroke Paralysis: Those who suffer from a stroke may find that paralysis is an unfortunate but very common side effect. If this is the case, then opium may be looked to as a homeopathic remedy for helping to heal or lessen the actual paralysis suffered. As the limbs become dull and listless, opium can offer the revitalization that they need to work again.
  • Delirium Tremens: Delirium may be suffered at anytime in and of itself, or as a condition related to something else such as alcohol withdrawal. Opium works as a homeopathic remedy to go to work on the hypersensitivity that delirium may cause, and the symptoms that it may present along with it. Not only can opium help to make the delirium subside, but it can also help to rid the body of symptoms such as tremors, convulsions, or even blackouts.

Profile Type

Typically opium is given to the type of person who exhibits extremes in their moods and behaviors, and these can be on either end of the spectrum. On one end is a sort of apathy towards life and a dulled sentiment towards pain in general.

On the other end of the spectrum, opium is given to those who exhibit extreme hyperactivity to the extent where their sensitivity may even cause insomnia. As a result of the fact that opium may be helpful to people at both ends of the spectrum, there is a wide range of personality types that it may be helpful towards.

People may also turn to opium after extreme medical issues or life events such as recovering from a brain injury or paralysis occurring as a result of a stroke, or even those going through alcohol withdrawal or experiencing delirium. This goes to show that it is most useful in the extreme instances and therefore these make up the typical remedy profile, that may very well be anything but typical in nature.