

424 bytes added, 15:11, 17 May 2015
/* Benefits and uses of Amaranth are */
* Cancer : It is very high in fibre, which has been shown to reduce the likelihood of bowel cancer and is a great source of iron, which enables our body to manufacture red blood cells and keep our oxygen levels high. It also contains the cancer fighting phytochemical squalene, along with calcium, magnesium and folic acid. In studies, the antioxidant squalene has been shown to reduce or halt the blood supply to tumours, thereby reducing their ability to grow and spread. Shark oil, only has 1% squalene content, whereas amaranth oil is 8%. Other studies also indicate that the amaranth seed can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
*Bone Development: Amaranth leaves contain a wide range of minerals, including a high concentration of calcium. There are very few leafy vegetables that contain a higher level of calcium, making amaranth a veritable superfood in terms of boosting bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. Calcium is a crucial mineral for preventing demineralization of the bones, extending your “active life” well into your old age.
* Immune System: Amaranth is rare for grains, in the sense that it has vitamin C, and this gives it an immune system-boosting edge over its dietary competitors. With high levels of vitamin C, amaranth grain can help boost your overall immune system, as vitamin C stimulates white blood cell production, and can also contribute to faster healing and repair of cells, due to its functional role in the production of collagen.
*Digestive Health: There are a number of gastrointestinal benefits to eating amaranth, including its high fiber content, which results in smooth digestion of food and facilitates an efficient uptake of minerals. However, amaranth is also a gluten-free substance, which means that for the millions of people suffering from Celiac’s disease or gluten intolerance, amaranth provides a viable alternative as a grain source.
*Cardiovascular Health: The dietary fiber mentioned above also helps to balance cholesterol in the body by eliminating “bad” cholesterol from the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, amaranth contains a huge amount of vitamin K, which is a well known booster for heart health. Finally, the potassium content in amaranth helps to lower blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels and reducing the strain on the cardiovascular system, thereby lowering the chances of developing atherosclerosis. The high content of phytosterols found in amaranth also contribute to a reduction in “bad” cholesterol.
Bureaucrat, administrator