
Incurables Program

1,037 bytes added, 05:30, 22 July 2011
/* The benefits of Incurables Program are */
Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.
==The benefits of Incurables Program are==
Dr. Richard Schulze and Dr. John Christopher, both Master herbalists and healers, developed "Incurables" Programs. They believe that disease results from a failure of the immune system, mainly due to bad diet and their programs kick the immune system into high gear.  They helped many who were called "incurable" by medical doctors" - people who had been told by their physicians in essence to go home and set their houses in order (get the wills made, end off relationships and die, basically...there was nothing more that traditional medicine had to offer them). Using their methods, teachings and herbal remedies, these people brought themselves back to life.  Some of the main points of it are: 1) Get off animal products and onto a raw vegan diet. Further, when one is very ill, one gets off solid food and drinks a great deal of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. 2) Cleanse the elimination channels (intestinal cleanse first, then kidney and liver cleanses. 3) Massage and exercise, sunshine, and other vital things we often don't do. 4) Hydrotherapy (hot and cold water therapy) and other healing approaches are used. Since this is a very intense program, you should consult a doctor, hopefully one who is friendly to and conversant in natural methods, before starting this program.
== References ==