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(Used in Patent medecines)
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* [[Anshen Buxin Wan]]
* [[Anshen Buxin Wan]]
* [[Zhen Xin An Shen Tang]]
* [[Zhen Xin An Shen Tang]]
==Recommended Products==
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[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Chinese medicine]]
[[Category:Chinese medicine]]

Revision as of 05:01, 1 January 2019

Other Names : Cortex Albiziae, Silktree Bark, Mimosa Tree Bark, Albizzia

Special Precautions of He Huan Pi

  • Use caution during pregnancy.
  • Contraindicated if there are no symptoms of Qi and Blood Stagnation

Benefits and uses of He Huan Pi are

  • Actions :
    • Calms the Spirit and relieves constraint
    • Invigorates and harmonizes the Blood, stops pain and reconnects sinews and bones
    • Regulates Qi, alleviates pain, dissipates swellings and reduces abscesses
  • Indications :
    • Constrained emotions with bad temper, depression, insomnia, irritability, and poor memory
    • Mildly treats pain and swelling due to trauma including fractures
    • Pain and swelling of abscesses (internally and externally)

Used in Patent medecines