
Custard Apple

364 bytes added, 06:56, 13 February 2019
/* Health benefits and Uses of Custard Apple */
*It contains vitamin B6, thus helpful in resolving the problem of sore tongue, convulsion and depression.
* Other than being a suitable remedy for weight gain, custard apple is a herb which is known for having a cooling impact on one’s body and brings down the heat easily. It counteracts anorexia and increases the chances of putting on weight.
* The paste of the flesh of custard apple is beneficial to treat boils, abscesses and ulcers.
* The dried crushed parts of custard apple are good in curing of diarrhoea and dysentery.
* Eating custard removes expectorants.
* The bark of the custard apple tree is used as an astringent and tannins.
* The bark of the tree is used in treatment of toothache too.
[[Category:fruit & vegetables]]
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