

284 bytes added, 07:22, 4 January 2022
/* Natural Remedies */
* [[Corn Silk]] : Urinary Tract Treatment : The cornsilk herb is a soothing diuretic that can benefit the urinary tract in numerous ways. It can be given to children as a method of treating enuresis--more commonly known as bed wetting. It is also a common alternative to antibiotics when treating a urinary infection resulting from bacteria. Excessive use of antibacterial medications can lead to bacterial resistance to these medications, and complications can arise in children who take pharmaceutical medications. Cornsilk consumption also helps treat inflammation in the bladder or urethra. Cornsilk is usually taken by steeping 2 tsp. of the herb in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. You can drink this tea up to three times daily. Cornsilk tinctures are an alternative--3 to 6 ml of tincture should be taken three times daily.
*[[Sang Piao Xiao]] : Enuresis in children
*[[Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan]]: Morinda root is used orally for debility, enuresis, polyuria, hernia, impotence and premature ejaculation, back pain, depressidepression, increasing white blood cell count, stimulating the endocrine system, improving kidney function, and strengthening the skeletal and nervous systems. It has been shown to have androgenic, immune stimulant and tonic actions as well as increasing the release of luteinising hormone.
*[[Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang]]
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