

1 byte added, 06:21, 20 January 2012
/* Home remedies */
* [[Vitamin D]] is more Potent than Vaccination
* Taking [[Green Tea]]-derived theanine and antioxidants in supplement form may help prevent the flu
* [[St.John's wort]] (Hypericum perforatum)to prevent viral infections such as the flu. A dropperful in the morning throughout the cold months is adequate for prevention.
* [[Echinacea]] (Echinacea augustifolia): The tincture of echinacea root is a well-known anti-infective.
* Poke (Phytolacca americana): The tincture of this root is so powerful some authors consider it poisonous. You may have a hard time finding it for sale. But poke is an important helper when flu "bugs" have taken over.