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/* Special Precautions of Kiwifruit */
Talking about kiwi fruit always reminds one about New Zealand. New Zealand has always been popular with kiwi fruit, but kiwi actually came from China. During the early 20th century, missionaries brought this fruit, called Yang Tao, from China to New Zealand. It was cultivated commercially in “land of the long white cloud”, and was renamed Chinese gooseberries. In 1960s, the fruit was introduced in the United States by an American fruit distributor who sees the potential of making known to the world this exotic fruit. She renamed the fruit “kiwi”, as it looks like the popular bird in New Zealand, the kiwi, with brown fuzzy coat. Now, kiwifruit, or Actinidia deliciosa, or Hayward kiwi, is produced by several countries worldwide, not just because of its striking and unusual appearance - skin that is warm and fuzzy and creamy flesh that is colored green filled with tiny black seeds, but also because it is nutritious and provides immense health benefits to humans. There are several varieties of kiwi, but all of them give that smooth texture similar to bananas, or melons, or strawberries, with unique flavors, and the nutrients that one can surely say the fruit is really good for them.
==Special Precautions of Kiwifruit==
*Causes Allergic Reactions : With over consumption of kiwi one may develop a few types of allergic reactions in the body. So it is very essential to be very careful before consuming it. Some of these allergies are cross-sensitization, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, nausea, fainting and diarrhea.
* Leads To Skin Rashes And Swelling : Overeating of this tasty fruit causes swelling of mouth, lips and tongue, skin rashes, hives, breathing troubles such as asthma in a person. One may also suffer from irritation, tingling and itching sensation in mouth and Anaphylaxis too.
* Problems In Breast Feeding And Pregnancy : Excess consumption of kiwi adversely affects the health of pregnant and lactating mothers. So it is advised that these people should limit or completely avoid its consumption.
* Interacts With Certain Types Of Drugs : Consumption of this fruit has the tendency to react with specific types of drugs. This fruit possess antifungal properties that can prove to be addictive when eaten along with a few other antifungal medicines. This fruit increases the risk of bleeding, if consumed along with medicines like aspirin, anti-platelet medicines, heparin and non-steroidal based anti-inflammatory drugs.
* Pancreatitis Issues : When you consume kiwi beyond a limit then it causes chronic pancreatitis. This delicious fruit has good amounts of potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and serotonin. The increased doses of these elements change the level of triglyceride in the blood and make the pancreas inefficient in the longer run.
==The benefits of Kiwifruit are==
*It is good for the heart : Kiwi is indeed good for the cardiovascular health because mainly of its vitamin K content, which can help in reducing the risk of developing blood clots. Additionally, kiwi can lower the body’s triglyceride levels, which can protect the heart. In a research report presented at the American Heart Association scientific meeting, it pronounced that eating at least three kiwis daily can help in lowering the blood pressure. The study was conducted on more than a hundred volunteers who are diagnosed with high blood pressure. After eating three kiwis per day for several weeks, their systolic blood pressure decreased. When compared to those who ate apples, those who have daily dose of kiwis has lowered blood pressure. With normal blood pressure, the pumping function of the heart is also normalized, which maintains the health of the cardiovascular system.
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