

136 bytes added, 10:47, 13 January 2013
/* Home remedies */
* [[tamarind]]
* [[Vitamin D]] is more Potent than Vaccination
* [[Vitamin K]]2 will also boost immune function
* [[St. John's wort]] (Hypericum perforatum)to prevent viral infections such as the flu. A dropperful in the morning throughout the cold months is adequate for prevention.
* [[Andrographis]] is sometimes called Indian echinacea because of its use for colds and flus.
*[[Cinnamon]] : It is said that there are verses in the Christian bible saying that chewing on cinnamon sticks can help get rid of the virus from the body. Influenza virus therefore is not exempted from these rules. It is widely being used as a medication for several muscle aches and pains which are associated with common colds and flu. During 1918 when there was an outbreak of Spanish flu, those who are working at the cinnamon processing plant did not contract the disease.
*[[Mullein]] leaves possess antiviral activity against these viruses.
* [[Apples]] : Over 60 years ago researchers found that the complex carbohydrates that make up apple pectin inhibit the infectivity of influenza A virus in chicken blood, as well in embryonated eggs, indicating its potential anti-influenza properties.* a [[Colostrum]] supplement, will provide an important daily boost to immune function.
== Warnings ==