

502 bytes added, 07:28, 9 May 2013
/* Special Precautions of Frankincense */
==Special Precautions of Frankincense==
* See warnings about [[Aromatherapy]]
* Frankincense essential oil should not be taken internally without the supervision of a health professional. Internal use of frankincense essential oil may have toxic effects.*In addition, some individuals may experience irritation or an allergic reaction when applying frankincense essential oil to the skin. A skin patch test should be done before using any new essential oil.*Pregnant or nursing women and children should consult their health care providers before using essential oils.*It's also important to note that self-treating a chronic condition with frankincense essential oil and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences.*Cinical Data : Although a lot of scientific data supports a possible role for frankincense in cancer treatment, according to NIH, all the experiments were performed in cells or in animal studies. Cells, while a good tool in cancer studies, do not fully explain the possible effect of frankincense in the human body. More studies are necessary to determine if frankincense is truly a valid treatment option. Furthermore, the safety of frankincense has not been fully studied. Side effects may exist. Use frankincense cautiously and only with the advice of a physician.
==The benefits of Frankincense are==