

4 bytes added, 05:54, 24 May 2013
/* The benefits of Conium are */
*Sexual problems : The homeopathic medicine conium is also effective in treating various sexual disorders. Several men use this homeopathic remedy when they suffer from an acute type of sexual excitement wherein they may suffer from impotency and/ or premature ejaculation. In the instance of women, such extreme sexual excitement may be demonstrated by too much discharge from the vagina or even abnormal or irregular menstrual cycles. When such individuals suffer from held back sexual activities, they tend to suffer from nervous anxiety. All such sexual problems may be cured by using the homeopathic remedy conium, prepared from the hemlock plant.
*Enlarged prostate : Men suffering from enlarged prostate are also benefitted by using the homeopathic medicine conium. Such men may experience hard and heavy prostate and suffer from a palpable interruption of urine flow. In addition to the sensation of having a heavy prostate, such men may have discharges from the penis or even suffer from impotency. In homeopathy, conium is the appropriate remedy for these symptoms.
* Cysts, tumors and cancer: People suffering from these conditions actually experience hard lumps emerging all over their body, for instance, testicles, prostate, ovaries, breasts and/ or uterus. The homeopathic remedy conium is appropriated for curing such conditions. In addition, this homeopathic medicine is effective in providing relief from associated symptoms, such as pain and itchiness too.
*Swollen breasts : Occasionally, some women may suffer from a condition wherein their breasts become enlarged as well as hard. In such instances, they endure pain when the breasts are touched. As a homeopathic remedy, conium works effectively to alleviate this condition as well as the bothersome feelings that are associated with it. It has been observed that this condition is quite common when women have their menstrual cycles.
*Nervous disorders : People who suffer from nervous disorders often feel cold and weak in their legs. In addition, they may also feel giddy and be sensitive to light. At the same time, such people may experience weakness all over their body. Turning to the homeopathic remedy conium helps to cure these symptoms effectively.
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