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Other names : Phytolacca Americana, Inkberry, Pocan, Pokeweed, Grubroot, Phytolacca Decandra, American nightshade, Bear’s grape, Cancer root, Jalap, Skoke, Crowberry.<br>Poke root is an American perennial shrub which grows in damp woodlands, hedges, and waste places. Though the plant may grow up to 3 meters in height, the most unusual physical feature is the large root with its irregular branches. The stems are erect, round, and hairless. They branch near the top and often have a reddish tinge. The short stemmed, light green leaves are 12-20 cm long, a pointed egg shape or oval, their margins entire and wavy. The leafless, flowering stems bears an extended spike of small, greenish-white flowers. The deep purple or black berries ripen in autumn. About 1 cm. in diameter, they contain a purple juice that makes a powerful dye. Unripe berries are slightly poisonous.
Physiological action: Phytolacca is broadly described as an alterative, a purgative, and an emetic. An alterative is an herb which will gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. They act to alter the body's processes of metabolism so that tissues can best deal with the range of functions from nutrition to elimination. Emetics are herbs that cause vomiting through irritation of the stomach or nervous system. A purgative is an herb which has the effect of causing rapid and violent diarrhea. In large doses phytolacca may produce gastro enteritis with concomitant vomiting and diarrhea. It acts as a depressant on the respiratory and cardiac centers as well as depressing the visual and auditory senses.
==Special Precautions of Poke Root==
* Only homeopathic use !
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