

18 bytes added, 06:56, 9 August 2013
/* The benefits of strawberries are */
* [[Cancer]], [[Diabetes]] and [[Alzheimer's Disease]] : The flavonoid fisetin is also found in other fruits and vegetables, but is most abundant in strawberries. In the plant, it helps protect the leaves and fruit from insects. In the human body, it has been shown to protect neurons and combat [[Alzheimer's Disease]]. It is also considered to be a weapon against [[Prostate Cancer]]. And now researchers have discovered it can fight [[diabetes]].phytonutrients, ellagic acid and ellagitannins present in the fruit are responsible for the findings.
* [[Iodine]] : Strawberries are good sources of idone.
* [[Cholesterol]] : The berries can also impact how the liver processes cholesterol, the degree of damaging oxidation and re-absorption of cholesterol for use by the trillions of cells throughout the body.
* [[Detox]] : Red Strawberries activates a protein in our bodies called Nrf2 which removes toxins from the cell.