
Breast Cancer

4 bytes added, 05:26, 4 October 2013
/* Home remedies */
* [[resveratrol]] in red wine inhibits the proliferation of human breast cancer cells.
* [[Soy]] may lower the risk for breast and [[Prostate Cancer]]. However One caution: Some women with breast cancer should avoid soy – talk with your doctor.
* lignans[[Lignans]], compounds that act like antioxidants, in high-fiber [[flaxseed]] may help reduce the growth and spread of breast cancer.
* Postmenopausal women whose diets contain lots of [[beans]] have lower rates of invasive Breast Cancer.
* [[Mint]], specifically peppermint, contains a phytonutrient known as amonoterpene which has shown the capability to thwart the growth of tumors in the liver, breasts and pancreas in animals.