

24 bytes added, 14:57, 6 October 2013
[[File:Elecampane.gif|thumb|350px|left|Elecampane]]Other Names: Alant, Aster helenium, Aster officinalis, Aunée, Elfdock, Elfwort, Helenio, Helenium grandiflorum, Horse-Elder, Horseheal, Indian Elecampane, Inula, Inula helenium, Scabwort, Velvet Dock, Wild Sunflower, Yellow Starwort.<br>[[File:Elecampane.gif]]<br>There is a legend that tells how the name inula comes from Helen of Troy, whose tears turned into the healing plant known as elecampane.
==Special Precautions of Elecampane==
Although elecampane is considered a valuable herbal remedy for many conditions, occasional allergic reactions may occur. Inula helenium should not be used during pregnancy. Always inform your health care professional of any medications, vitamins or herbs that you are taking, and find a reputable source to ensure that your supplements are high quality.