
American ginseng

211 bytes added, 06:19, 29 November 2013
/* The benefits of American ginseng are */
Due to the lack of scientific support for its health benefits, American ginseng cannot currently be recommended for any health condition. If you're looking to treat or prevent a specific health problem with American ginseng, make sure to consult your physician before starting your supplement regimen.
==The benefits of American ginseng are==
Milder than its Chinese cousin, American Ginseng is also good for assisting the immune system in fighting off infections such as cold and flu. It is also favoured for treating fatigue due to illness and coughs.
*American Ginseng and Diabetes : American ginseng may help regulate blood sugar, according to a 2000 study published in Archives of Internal Medicine. In a small experiment involving nine diabetes patients and 10 people without diabetes, researchers found that taking American ginseng supplements prior to eating helped keep post-meal blood sugar levels in check.Maintaining normal blood sugar levels is important for both diabetes prevention and diabetes management. However, it should be noted that there is a lack of larger studies testing American ginseng's effects on blood sugar.
*American Ginseng and the Common Cold : American ginseng may offer cold-fighting benefits, a 2005 study from the Canadian Medical Association Journal suggests. For the study, researchers told 323 adults to take two capsules of either American ginseng or a placebo every day for four months. Study results showed that members of the American ginseng group had fewer colds over the course of cold season. When they did come down with colds, those given American ginseng had less severe symptoms and shorter duration of sickness (compared to those assigned to the placebo).