
Immunological Disorders

89 bytes added, 07:09, 6 December 2013
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
* [[Cruciferous vegetables Vegetables]] generate glucosinolates, which are converted into isothiocynates during digestion. They protect your body in a number of important ways, such as [[cancer]] and [[Macular Degeneration]] and helps build the immune system and supports bone health, Detoxifying enzymes and Curing coughs. Arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, watercress and cabbage, are classified as a cruciferous vegetables. Watercress, high in Calcium and iron, protects against cancer and macular degeneration, helps build the immune system and supports bone health.
* [[Magnesium]] is a powerful and essential immune modulator. A deficiency in magnesium has been strongly linked to immune disorders and it has been variously estimated that anywhere from 70 to 95 percent of us are deficient in magnesium.
* Several studies in recent years have indicated that [[vitamin D]]3 is a powerful immune modulator which could be useful against autoimmune disorders. Furthermore, like magnesium, deficiency in D3 has been linked to autoimmune disorders. The best source of D3 is sunshine. When that is not feasible, supplemental D3 can help.
* [[Cat's Claw]] can be taken in capsule, tea, or tincture forms. It is an adaptogenic immune regulator. So it provides both immune boosting and dampening as necessary. It contains oxindole alkaloids enhancing the immune system's capacity to engulf and destroy pathogens.
*Blackseed oil (Nigella sativa) is another powerful immunomodulator and it has been used for centuries for a wide variety of illnesses. The prophet Muhammad was reported to have said that blackseed is a "cure for everything but death".
* [[Oleander ]] is noted as a supreme immune stimulator and for its success against cancer, HIV and other conditions. However, it appears that oleander is also a powerful immune-modulator, with many reports of it helping people with immune disorders. Note: only properly prepared non-toxic supplemental oleander extract should be used since the raw plant is quite toxic.
* Some of the most potent immunosupportive agents come from mushrooms, and science is just beginning to tap into this vast natural medicine warehouse.
* [[Turkey Tail Mushroom]]s are a Powerful Immune System Booster.
* [[Coenzyme Q10]] can potentially help in strengthening the immune system and is also effective as a secondary treatment against [[cancer]].
* [[Essential Fatty Acids]]
* [[Chia]] seeds : High in antioxidants chia seeds strengthen the immune system.
* [[Garlic]] has been found to enhance the immune system’s ability to ward off infection.
* [[Vitamin C]] with Bioflavonoids : Vitamin C boosts the body’s immune system by enhancing the immune cells’ ability to protect the body from infection. Bioflavonoid is another strong antioxidant. The body gets better protection against diseases with the intake of these two essential nutrients combined.