

270 bytes added, 07:10, 12 January 2014
Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan, is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit. It is one of the better-known tropical members of the soapberry family, to which the lychee also belongs. It is native to Southern China.<br>
See also : [[Long Yan Rou]]
==Special Precautions of Longan==
==Benefits and uses of Longan are==
* Longan Root 龍眼根: for Chyluria , leucorrhea, rheumatoid arthritis.
*Longan Leaves 龍眼葉: prevents epidemic influenza, epidemic meningitis, influenza, enteritis, eczema of the scrotum.
*[[Long yan rou Yan Rou]] 龍眼肉 (edible part of the fruit): as tonic after illnesses, neurasthenia, forgetfulness, palpitation, insomnia.
*Longan Seeds 龍眼種子: stomachache, scalding, bleeding from cut.
== References ==
Bureaucrat, administrator