

3,116 bytes added, 08:34, 25 January 2014
Created page with "Other Names: American Pennyroyal, Dictame de Virginie, European Pennyroyal, Feuille de Menthe Pouliot, Frétillet, Hedeoma pulegioides, Herbe aux Puces, Herbe de Saint-Laurent, H..."
Other Names: American Pennyroyal, Dictame de Virginie, European Pennyroyal, Feuille de Menthe Pouliot, Frétillet, Hedeoma pulegioides, Herbe aux Puces, Herbe de Saint-Laurent, Huile de Menthe Pouliot, Lurk-In-The-Ditch, Melissa pulegioides, Mentha pulegium, Menthe Pouliot, Menthe Pouliote, Mosquito Plant, Penny Royal, Pennyroyal Leaf, Pennyroyal Oil, Piliolerial, Poleo, Pouliot, Pouliot Royal, Pudding Grass, Pulegium, Pulegium vulgare, Run-By-The-Ground, Squaw Balm, Squawmint, Stinking Balm, Tickweed.<br>Pennyroyal is a plant. The oil and leaves are used to make medicine. Throughout history, both American pennyroyal and European pennyroyal have been used interchangeably as a source of oil.
==Special Precautions of Pennyroyal==
* Pennyroyal oil is UNSAFE. It can cause serious liver and kidney damage, as well as nervous system damage. Other side effects include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, burning of the throat, fever, confusion, restlessness, seizures, dizziness, vision and hearing problems, high blood pressure, abortion, lung failure, and brain damage.
*Repeated use of an alcoholic pennyroyal leaf extract over a period of 2 weeks has been linked to a death.
*Not enough is known about the safety of using pennyroyal leaf as a tea.
*Pennyroyal is UNSAFE for anyone to use, but it is especially unsafe for children and people with the following conditions.
*Pregnancy and breast-feeding: If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, it is UNSAFE to take pennyroyal by mouth or apply it to your skin. There is some evidence that pennyroyal oil can cause abortions by causing the uterus to contract. But the dose needed for this effect could kill the mother or cause her life-long kidney and liver damage.
*Pennyroyal leaf tea seems to be able to start menstruation, which could also threaten a pregnancy.
*Children: It is UNSAFE to give children pennyroyal. Two infants developed serious liver and nervous system injuries after taking pennyroyal, and one infant died.
*Kidney disease: The oil in pennyroyal can irritate the kidney and make existing kidney disease worse.
*Liver disease: The oil in pennyroyal can cause liver damage and might make existing liver disease worse.
==Benefits and uses of Pennyroyal are==
* Despite serious safety concerns, pennyroyal is used for colds, pneumonia, and other breathing problems. It is also used for stomach pains, gas, intestinal disorders, and liver and gallbladder problems.
*Women use it to start or regulate their menstrual periods, or to cause an abortion.
*Pennyroyal is also used to control muscle spasms, cause sweating, and increase urine production.
*Some people use it as a stimulant and to counteract weakness.
*Pennyroyal is applied to the skin to kill germs, keep insects away, and treat skin diseases. It is also used topically for gout, venomous bites, and mouth sores; and as a flea-killing bath.
*In foods, pennyroyal is used for flavoring.
*In manufacturing, pennyroyal oil is used as a dog and cat flea repellent; and as a fragrance for detergents, perfumes, and soaps.
== References ==
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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