
Szechuan Lovage

47 bytes added, 05:25, 31 January 2014
* Sichuan lovage rhizome is commonly used for pain relief and promoting blood circulation. For chest pain or angina which is a sign of stagnated blood flow in the heart vessels, the herb is prescribed with red sage root, cassia twig and sandal wood. It can be used along with notoginseng, frankincense and myrrh to relieve pain and swelling in traumatic injuries. In chronic limb and joint problems, Sichuan lovage rhizome is prescribed with pubescent angelica root, cassia twig and ledebouriella root to relieve pain, numbness or spasm. When abscesses are formed, the herb is prescribed with astragalus root, angelica root and Chinese honeylocust spine to facilitate pus drainage and promote healing.
* Sichuan lovage rhizome tends to exert its effects in the head region, and is usually prescribed for headache disorders. For example, headache accompanied with fever, flushed face, red eyes and throat soreness, indicate a wind-heat syndrome and should prescribe Sichuan lovage rhizome, gypsum and chrysanthemum; while headache accompanied with chills, binding sensation over the head, and are aggravated by cold wind, indicate a wind-cold syndrome and should prescribe Sichuan lovage rhizome, Dahurian angelica root and Manchurian wildginger.
==Used in Patent Medecine==
* [[Shou Wu Chih]]
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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