
Black Bamboo

440 bytes added, 15:17, 2 February 2014
Other Names : Phyllostachys Nigra, Zhu Li (Succus Bambusae), Zhu Ye (Bamboo leaf or Folium Bambusae)
==Special Precautions of Black Bamboo==
* Zhy Ye : Use with caution during pregnancy.
* Zhu Li is Contraindicated for those with cough due to Cold.
* Zhu Li is Contraindicated for those with loose stools due to Spleen Deficiency.
* Zhu Li is Contraindicated for those with Cold-Phlegm.
* Zhu Li is Contraindicated for those with Damp-Phlegm.
* Zhu Li is Contraindicated for those with Phlegm due to food or drink
==Benefits and uses of Black Bamboo are==
* Black Bamboo leaves are antipyretic and diuretic. They are used internally in the treatment of fevers (especially infantile convulsions), vomiting and nosebleeds. Phyllostachys Nigra leaves are harvested during the growing season and dried for later use.
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