

131 bytes added, 09:18, 15 February 2014
/* Home remedies */
* The most commonly indicated homeopathic medicine for the first stage of colds with watery nasal discharge is Allium cepa. Children often respond well to homeopathic Pulsatilla, especially if the nasal discharge is becoming a little thicker.
* medicinal mushrooms, such as the [[Shiitake]] and the [[Reishi]] mushrooms can help in boosting the immune system, thereby preventing the development of colds or flu.
*[[Black Pepperpepper]] combined with tamarind, boil them with water and butter and ingesting the concoction to help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. Another way is by mixing lemon juice, honey and black pepper and taking the mixture three times a day for one day to help starve cold.
* Avoid certain ‘mucus-forming foods’ such as milk and cheese at night. They increase Kapha, which is associated with ‘congestive’ disorders.
* [[Yogurt]] : Lactobacillus casei, actually give several health benefits to an individual. One of which is protection from viruses that causes colds and flu.
* [[Isatis]] is used for Common Cold and other infections of the nose, throat, and sinuses.
* [[Lomatium]] is used as an antiviral remedy to treat colds, coughs, and infections.
* [[Gui Zhi Tang]]
* [[Ma Huang Tang]]
* [[Ge Gen Tang]]
* [[Da Qing Long Tang]]
* [[Xiao Qing Long Tang]]
* [[Xiao Chai Hu Tang]]
== Warnings ==
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