
Gan Mao Ling

401 bytes added, 10:49, 15 February 2014
/* Special Precautions of Gan Mao Ling */
Other Names : 感冒灵, 感冒靈
==Special Precautions of Gan Mao Ling==
*Because of the short history of use of some of its ingredients (less than 100 years), Gan Mao Ling is not recommended for use during pregnancy. Prolonged use may cause digestive upset or loose stools.*Do not use or prescribe this product for a dry cough which follows a respiratory infection. These coughs are usually caused by Lung Dryness (post-infection coughs), which will need to be addressed by a qualified healthcare provider's.*Gan Mao Ling is not an immune booster. Do not use it for extended periods of more than 2 weeks. For long term immune enhancement use Dr. Shen's Jade Shield Pills.
==Benefits and uses of Gan Mao Ling are==
Bureaucrat, administrator