

1,012 bytes added, 06:55, 27 February 2014
/* The benefits and uses of Shilajit are */
*Anti-aging (both mental and physical)
*Source of [[Fulvic Acid]].
* [[Alzheimer's Disease]] : Fulvic acid is responsable for its virility-boosting powers. It's also what helps protect your brain from Alzheimer's. Plaque buildup and tangled proteins in your brain cause the cognitive decline that comes with Alzheimer's. Fulvic acid prevents tau proteins in your brain from tangling. It may also untangle any existing tau proteins. But that's not the only way it protects your brain. Shilajit fights oxidative stress that leads to aging and brain disease. It mimics the antioxidant effects of [[glutathione]]. Not only that, but it actually helps your body produce more of the glutathione itself. This is key as you age. Each year, your body makes less and less glutathione. It may be the most important antioxidant you can get. Not having enough can lead to accelerated aging and even Alzheimer's.
* Heart Health : Shilajit has an anti-inflammatory effect that may protect your heart as well. One study found that it lowers your LDL cholesterol by over 20 percent in 45 days.
In the former USSR, medical preparations based on mumijo/shilajit are still being sold, further developed and investigated. In India, dietary supplements based on shilajit are also very popular, mainly due to its assumed effect on male impotence and premature ejaculation. One of shilajit’s unique properties is its high fulvic acid content. Fulvic acid occurs naturally in healthy soils and has the outstanding ability to help our bodies better absorb other nutrients into our muscles, tissues, and bones. For this reason, Ayurvedic healers often use shilajit to increase the potency of other herbs.
Bureaucrat, administrator