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/* Benefits and uses of Sumac are */
* Anti inflammatory properties : Sumac helps in reducing fever. Sumac works great for arthritis, skin inflammation, and respiratory problems such as bronchitis, colds, and flues.
*Anti microbial : Sumac has anti microbial properties. A study published in International Journal of Food Microbiology suggested sumac’s antimicrobial activity that can combat Salmonella bacteria. Water mixed with sumac extract can be used to treating vegetables and fruits and get rid of bacteria on them. Anti microbial properties of sumac were attributed to presence of methyl gallic acid, gallic acid and other compounds in a study published in Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
*Antifungal Action : A research published in German bioscience journal, Zeitschrift Fuer Naturforschung, showed that seeds of sumac are effective against Aspergillus fungus which causes lung infection and infection to other organs. [2]
*Anti oxidant properties : Sumac is full of Vitamin C and Omega 3 fatty acids thus helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes. Sumac helps get rid of free radicals in body, mainly gastro intestinal tract. Results of lab studies on strong antioxidant properties of Rhus coriaria has been published in Journal, Phytotherapy Research and Journal of Medicinal Food.
*Hypoglycemic properties : Research further suggests that sumac is effective in case hyperglycemia, diabetes and obesity. Some research is also carried on its anti tumour properties.
== References ==
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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