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/* The benefits of Zinc are */
Zinc is the second most important trace mineral in the body, surpassed only by iron. It plays an important role in immune function, wound healing, blood clotting, reproduction, growth and smell. Zinc deficiency is characterized by poor wound healing, loss of appetite, weight loss and white marks on the fingernails.
* Reducing diarrhea in malnourished children, or in children who have low zinc levels. Severe zinc deficiency in children is common in developing countries.
*Treating [[Wilson’s Wilson's Disease]], a rare genetic disorder.
*prostate cancer. This mineral is necessary for the formation of RNA and DNA and a healthy immune system. And, you guessed it: a healthy immune system is better able to kill cancer cells. Zinc is vital for prostate health and for male hormone activity. You need zinc to produce sperm and semen. There's more zinc in your prostate gland than any other part of your body.
*Zinc supplementation or dietary intake (from milk, for instance) can help reduce feelings of anger, hostility, and depression
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