
Brewer's Yeast

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Other Names: Baker's Yeast, Dried Yeast Fermentate, Faex, Faex Medicinalis, Levadura de Cerveza, Levure, Levure de Biere, Levure de Bière Inactive, Levure de Boulangerie, Levure Fermentée, Levure Médicinale, Levure Sèche Déshydratée, Medicinal Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. cerevisiae, Marmite<br>Brewer's yeast is a kind of yeast that is a by-product of brewing beer. Dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast often contain non-living, dried yeast. People use brewer’s yeast to make medicine.
==Special Precautions of Brewer's Yeast==
* Don't confuse brewer's yeast with [[Nutritional Yeast]] with. Nutritional yeast is derived from a single cell organism called Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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