
Immunological Disorders

1 byte removed, 15:54, 21 May 2014
/* Home remedies */
* Bentonite clay is strengthening the immune system.
* [[Ganoderma Lucidum]]- This is a bitter mushroom also known as [[Reishi]]. It has long been a popular herb in Chinese medicine attributed to assisting in longevity and health. Further studies on this oriental herb reveal that it strengthens immunity and combats cancer. Moreover, it has antioxidant properties and provides relief from urinary tract infections.
* [[Cordyceps]] : Modern studies suggest Cordyceps may enhance the immune function of our body, may stimulate progesterone production, boost energy and endurance.
* [[Lomatium]] is known for boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.
* Different studies have evaluated the benefits of [[beta glucan]] in promoting better health and preventing diseases.
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