
Rhodiola Rosea

31 bytes added, 06:38, 10 August 2014
/* The benefits of Rhodiola Rosea are */
*Immune stimulation: Rhodiola increases immune response while blocking the immune lowering effects of cortisol. In one animal experiment, natural killer cell activity increased with Rhodiola.
*[[Cancer]]: As a mighty antioxidant, rhodiola helps to prevent and heal cancer by scavenging health harming free radicals -- reducing the risk of cellular mutations. It also hampers tumor growth. A study in rats showed that Rhodiola decreased tumor growth by 39% and inhibited metastases by 50%. Please note we do not have substantiated evidence of these test results.
* Used in [[Fu Zheng Therapy]]
*Fat loss: In a placebo controlled study of Rhodiola’s ability to mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue, 121 subjects were given either Rhodiola extract or a placebo and their serum lipid levels were tested at rest and after one hour of exercise. The Rhodiola group had 6% greater serum fatty acid levels than the placebo group at rest and 44% greater levels after one hour of exercise. This difference is presumably due to Rhodiola’s ability to activate adipose lipase, a key enzyme required to burn the body’s fat stores.
*[[Depression]] or [[Anxiety]], anyone requiring more mental alertness, athletes and body builders, anyone prone to develop Alzheimer's disease or who has memory problems, immune deficient or cancer patients, anyone with heart disease, those suffering from obesity, and anyone wishing to increase their sexual stamina. It is especially recommended for anyone whose life is stressful.
Bureaucrat, administrator