
Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan

487 bytes removed, 05:44, 11 October 2014
/* Special Precautions of Sheng Ling Baizhu San */
==Special Precautions of Sheng Ling Baizhu San==
* For best results, avoid drinking tea and taking carrot.
* For best results, avoid taking it together with Chinese cold medicine.
* Not suitable for diarrhea associated with constipation.
* Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you have hypertension, diabetes, diseases of heart or kidney, or in pregnancy.
* Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are taking other medicines.
* Keep out of reach of children.
==Benefits and uses of Sheng Ling Baizhu San are==
A robust digestion function is crucial for the body to obtain sufficient nutrients and depends on critically, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the function of the Spleen (Please note that the Spleen in TCM does not correspond to today's anatomical spleen but is rather a digestion functional concept.) The Spleen is in charge of absorbing and transporting the nutrients from digestion around the body and transforming them into the Yin, Yang, and Qi energy etc, the fundamental elements in regulating our overall body functions. When the Spleen function is weak, adsorption and transportation of nutrients is affected, causing pale face, low energy, poor appetite, loose stool etc.
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