
Athlete’s Foot

0 bytes added, 08:25, 25 October 2014
/* Home remedies */
*Broccoli : Broccoli is only one of the many foods you would need to eat to help you towards being free from athlete’s foot, simply because it helps boost the function of the immune system, allowing your body to fight it off with the fungus. Other foods that boost the immune system include elderberry, garlic, yogurt, mushrooms, spinach and sweet potatoes.
*[[Cinnamon]] : Soaking your feet in cinnamon tea will help as it slows down the growth of the fungus. Break eight to ten pieces of cinnamon sticks, add it to four cups of water, bring it to a boil and then let it simmer for about five minutes. After this, let it steep some more – for about another forty-five minutes. Then, for not more than thirty minutes (but not less than fifteen), soak your feet in it. You may want to do this everyday too to ensure faster recovery.
* [[Colloidal silverSilver]] is reported to kill fungus on contact. Apply directly to affected areas.
*[[Yogurt]] which contains live, active acidophilus bacteria will help in your battle against the fungus. Plus, yogurt helps boost the immune system too! All these help to speed up the healing process.
*Lemon : If you have sweaty feet, then using lemon will help solve your problems for you. Simply cut a lemon in half, squeeze out the juice and then add it with two ounces of water. You use this lemon water mixture when you are rinsing your feet. Again, remember to dry your feet thoroughly before you put on your socks and shoes.
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