

130 bytes added, 12:37, 28 February 2015
/* Benefits and uses of Daikon are */
==Benefits and uses of Daikon are==
* Cancer Prevention : Daikon is one of many cruciferous vegetables linked in studies with successful cancer prevention. Daikon contains several great antioxidants associated with fighting free radical damage, a known cause of cancer. Research has also shown that daikon juice helps prevent the formation of dangerous chemicals and carcinogens inside the body and helps the liver process toxins.
* High In Vitamin C Immune System: Vitamin The high concentration of vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that not only combats free radical activity in the body but also offers great daikon makes it an ideal partner for your immune system support , as it stimulates the production of white blood cells and helps prevent illness such as to speed healing and repair throughout the common cold. 100 grams cells and tissues of daikon provides 34% the DV body. Daikon leaves are the richest source of vitamin C. , so if you want a health boost, have a daikon leaf salad with some daikon juice on the side! Daikon leaves have a much higher concentration of vitamin C than that of daikon roots.
* Antibacterial & Antiviral : Daikon appears to be able to combat bacterial and viral infections.
* Anti-Inflammatory : Research suggests that high levels of vitamin C and B, such as found in daikon, help to prevent chronic inflammation in the body which can lead to problems such as arthritis and heart disease.
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