

24 bytes added, 15:28, 17 May 2015
/* Special Precautions of Beech */
Other Names : Fagus <br>Beech is a genus of deciduous trees in the family Fagaceae, native to temperate Europe, Asia and North America.
==Special Precautions of Beech==
There are Beechnuts do have certain parts of the beech tree which are toxictoxins that should not be consumed in large quantities, so if you aren’t trained to know what type of tree and what part of the tree is used in what capacity, don’t attempt to “forage” alone. Speak to a professional botanist, herbalist, or medical professional before adding any major beech treatments to your regimen. 
==Health Benefits and uses of Beech are==
* Hair Growth: The unique chemical composition of beechnuts has been said to be stimulating for hair growth and strengthening of the hair follicle beds. If you suffer from hair loss or brittle hair, the oil extracted from these nuts can be added to a carrier oil and used on the hair to boost its appearance and strength.
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