

4 bytes added, 16:08, 17 May 2015
/* Health Benefits and uses of Kelp are */
The popularity of Kelp is growing as both a gourmet food and as a possible cancer fighting substance.
* Vitamins and Minerals : Kelp contains many vitamins, especially B vitamins, which are essential for cellular metabolism and providing your body with energy. It also contains vitamins C and E, which are both strong antioxidants and promote blood vessel health. Minerals, such as calcium, boron and magnesium are plentiful in kelp; they are necessary for strong bones and normal muscle function.
* [[Sodium Alginate ]] : Kelp, like other seaweeds, is rich in sodium alginate, which is an element effective at protecting the body from radiation and removing it. According to a 1964 study published in the “Canadian Medical Association Journal,” sodium alginate derived from kelp reduced radioactive strontium absorption in the intestines by 50 to 80 percent. Specifically, sodium alginate allows calcium to be absorbed through the intestinal wall while binding most of the strontium, which is excreted from the body. The alginates are known to prevent the absorption of toxic metals like mercury, cadmium, plutonium and cesium.
* [[Iodine]] : Seaweed is also a rich source of iodine, which is a crucial nutrient for the thyroid. A deficiency in iodine leads to goiter, or swelling of the thyroid, and metabolism disruption. Iodine is the main element used to synthesize the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The thyroid gland absorbs iodide from the bloodstream to make its hormones, although the process is regulated by the pituitary gland. Consuming iodine from plants like kelp also helps reduce the effects of radiation exposure.
* [[Chlorophyll]] is used by plants to convert sunlight into energy, and it contains many nutrients, including antioxidants and amino acids. Chlorophyll is also similar in composition to human blood, so consumption of it can stimulate red blood cell production, which can increase oxygenation around the body. Kelp contains plentiful amounts of chlorophyll.
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