

148 bytes added, 04:58, 11 July 2015
/* The benefits of Avocado are */
Contrary to many beliefs, the fats in avocado are beneficial to the body. Avocado is rich in [[Beta-carotene]], [[lycopene]] and [[Glutathione]], types of antioxidants that provide several health benefits. It promotes healthy heart and regulates blood sugar in the body. It is also a great anti-inflammatory agent, especially when it is combined with other fruits and vegetables, since it optimizes the absorption of many types of carotenoids. Because of this, avocado is also a great anti-cancer and anti-aging agent. Brimming with the highest quality omega 3s, avocado is one of the most alkalizing foods available.
*Cancer Protection : Avocadoes are known to offer anti-cancer benefits. Its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are the ones that are responsible for preventing a person from getting cancer. Based on a study, the death of the cancer cells in the body is caused by several nutrients found on avocadoes. There are compounds present on avocadoes that have the ability to detect pre-cancerous cells. Upon detection of these harmful cells, the anti-cancer properties of avocadoes destroy them immediately to inhibit further generation and to prevent the occurrence of a more serious condition. In addition, Vitamin E is present in avocadoes. This vitamin is effective in neutralizing free radicals which might damage the cells in the body. Oral cancer and cancer in the breast and prostate are three kinds of cancer which can be avoided through the consumption of avocadoes. The potent combination of phytochemicals in an avocado prevents adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from reaching cancer cells. ATP is a substance that gives cells the energy they need to grow and spread.
*[[Leukemia]] : A study found that avocados contain a certain compound called avocatin B which has the potential to help treat this form of cancer.
*Eye Health : Avocadoes, among all other fruit options, are the greatest source of lutein. Lutein, a carotenoid, aids in protecting the eyes against diseases such as degeneration of the eye muscles and cataract. These two diseases affecting the eyes are brought about by aging, but then, teenagers or younger people are not exempted from having such; hence, it is advised that people of all ages should eat avocadoes at an early stage and continue to do so as they get older. It is the carotenoid lutein which is in-charge in decreasing, if not fully eliminating, the risk of getting blind.
*Provides Antioxidants : These pear-shaped fruit is rich in antioxidants which makes it a powerhouse of health benefits. The glutathione content of avocadoes is full of antioxidant properties. It is the antioxidant that enables the body to be guarded against free radicals which might harm the system and bring serious complications such as cancer and other heart diseases. Aside from improving one’s health, the antioxidants are also capable of preventing the symptoms of aging and boosting the immune system of an individual.
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